© Site designed & maintained by: D. P. Tripathi, Deputy Librarian, NIT Jalandhar

Central Library ensures to provide maximum research support for the benefit of faculty and research scholars. In order to assist, the library keeps conducting the different training programs / virtual events on regular basis. Few links are mentioned below with content description which may be great help for researchers.

Research Tools Links to Access / Download
Scopus Scopus Support
Weava Tools Highlight, Organize and Create research in one place
Zotero Bib Create Bibliography in any citation style
Grammarly Tips and Tutorials
Mendeley Guides and Tutorials
Zotero Guides and Tutorials
Style Guides Referencing Styles – Practical Guides 
Turnitin Creating a Account
Joining a Account
Creating a Class
Adding Students
Creating an Assignment
Submitting a Paper
Accessing the Assignment Inbox
Viewing Similarity Report
Downloading Similarity Report
How to Interpret Similarity Reports
Quick Start Guide